Final Catching Fire Trailer!

I’m sorry I’ve been so inactive on here, my first book is keeping me really busy, as well as school and trying to be a bit social 🙂 I’ll try to get more posts your way!

Anyway! Here’s the last trailer for Catching Fire! *pops confetti*

What part of the movie are you looking forward to the most? I’m glad they finally showed some of the arena, bout dang time.

May the odds be ever in your favor!

-S. K. Robitaille

New “Catching Fire” Posters!


If you don’t already, I follow a blog called “HG Girl on Fire” where I got these pictures from! They have amazing updates on everything Hunger Games.


Without further adieu, here’s the new Catching Fire posters!

























How excited are you for the movie?! I am 🙂 I personally like Johanna’s look the most in these new posters. She’s badass.


May the odds be ever in your favor!

-S. K. Robitaille

















Catching Fire Teaser Trailer!

It’s here! The first teaser trailer for Catching Fire!

How excited is everybody?! Looking forward to other trailers though that focus on the actual Games she has to become a part of again. Plus I just wanna see Finnick. Finnick for the win!

Gale getting whipped in the trailer! Eeep! Try not to cry…

May the odds be ever in your favor!

-Sara R.

Capitol Pictures: Catching Fire

So there’s these photos of the main characters that are supposed to be like the Capitol taking them. So, I snatched (legally, haha) these photos for ya’ll!

Cinna! Still till this date I pictured him a lot differently. I hope his character improves in Catching Fire.


Caesar! I like his blue hair better 😉


Haymitch! Look at him all proper-like. Needs a beer in his hand for sure.


Miss Effie! Is it bad that I actually kind of like her dress? Epic Halloween attire, that’s for sure.


Johanna! She looks the part! Excited to see her act.


Beetee! Not how I pictures him at all. Wasn’t he supposed to be an old white guy? Or did I read it wrong? It’s like “I am Legend” all over again. Mixing races and ages…

Anyway, I shall see if I like his acting on screen.


Mister Peeta Mellark! I still envisioned him a lot differently. Let us hope his eyes are actually freaking blue in this movie, eh?


Gale! Looking forward to seeing his character grow in Catching Fire. I mean, I understand how Katniss can see him realtionship-wise, but in the book I always saw him as her brother. But the things I want to do with him seeing him on screen…

Stop. Be professional. Gale=awesome. Not attractive, hot, and a man I’d like to–

Moving on!


Finnick! Want a sugar cube?

I can think of another piece of sugar I’d like off of him. Ha 😉

Gotta be professional. I still envisioned him differently, but I shall see how he acts on the big screen. Where I can see more of him on a bigger scale. *drools*


And for the grand finale, miss Katniss Everdeen! She’s too badass to even sit in the chair 😉 I’m so ecstatic to see this wedding dress burst into flames (hopefully realistic ones this time), and turn her dress black instead. She looks stunning!


How excited is everyone for Catching Fire? Bring on the heat!

May the odds be ever in your favor!

-Sara R.

Thoughts While Watching “The Hunger Games”

So, I saw this movie in theaters I believe two or three times 🙂 Of course I love the book more, but I’m still excited to get the DVD! So, as I watch the movie, I’m going to jot down my every thought as I watch it. Of course this post will make a lot more sense if you actually watch the movie, so I think fellow movie goers will enjoy my thoughts while watching this movie.

Mind you, I tend to have a very comical mindset, so most of my comments are either going to be funny, or freaking out about how they did something wrong compared to the book. So, sit back and laugh a bit 🙂

I’m going to start with the previews, cause I have commentary even in those.

-First preview: Breaking Dawn, Part Deux. Oh, maybe they’ll actually have a fighting scene at the end, where Meyer didn’t have. Thank you, Meyer, for making me read all those pages for no epic battle. Ohhh, I like the water that moves. I like that power. Moving water. Can vampires drown?

-Second preview: The Perks of Being a Wallflower. *squeal* YES! YES! FINALLY! I’m so excited! Oh my gosh! Wait, why is Patrick so gay? Wasn’t he supposed to be one of those discreet gays? They kinda messed that up. Sad. OH! Awesome quote time! “And I swear in that moment…we are infinite.” Coming Soon? Please be more specific.

-Ultraviolet Commercial. Holy shizz, did you seriously need two whole minutes to advertise this thing? Technology=cool. Moving on now.

-Big movies become bigger on epix. Not epic, but epix. Hmmm. Can I have previews instead of stuff you want me to buy? Although I guess movies cost money too. Hmmm…whatever. Off to the next preview.

-Yay! Time to start the movie! *happy dance* HUNGER GAMES! BOO-YAH!

-Oh my gosh the movie is starting at the Capitol, showing the inside of it and how it ticks and…oh…that’s just lionsgate. My bad.

-“In penance for their uprising, each district shall offer up a male and female…”  Well, except district 13. We, uhh…we kinda blew them up.

-“This is your third year as Gamemaker, what defines your personal signature?” (Ceasar to Seneca Crane)  My beard. My beard is my signature.

-Oh, hello Prim’s scream.

-“They’re not gonna pick you…” (Katniss to Prim)  Well, that didn’t work out so well, did it?

-Katniss should hire that guy from the show “My Cat From Hell”. Stupid hissing cat.

-Dooo dooo doo do la la la laaaaaaa. Good background music for Katniss’ hunt. Makes for a lovely dooo dooo laaaaa aura.

-It’s the deer from the beginning of Twilight!

-I thought Effie’s hair was supposed to be pink?

-That bread looks freaking delicious.

-That’s not how she gets the mockingjay pin!!! GOSH DANG IT!!!

-Wasn’t the reaping supposed to be in the town square? Unless their town square is mud. Hmm, that sucks.

-The Capitol showing a video with dancing people is such a lie, just like those tampon commercials with girls dancing on it. Curse you, media! Curse your lies!

-Well, way to make me cry when Katniss volunteers. Sheesh.

-Is it just me, or is this movie kinda quiet?

-Aww, poor Peeta. Wait…..why aren’t his eyes blue? Curses!

-Now the mockingjay pin symbolizes strength instead of rebellion. Gosh dang it.

-Yeah. Don’t cry, Mom. I’m only going into a deathly arena!

-Gale was supposed to say, “Remember…” and then get cut off. Cliffhanger ignored. What did he wanna say anyway? That was never explained in the book. Now I’m curious. Hmmm…okay, focus!

-Ha! Haymitch foot.

-Poor placemat ^_^

-“It’s huge” (peeta, referring to the capitol)  Ha, that’s what she said.

-Go District Four! Go Finnick Odair!! Oh wait, that’s not until next book. My bad.

-Ohhhh that fire looks lame in the chariot ride. Their whole bodies should be engulfed.

-I pictured President Snow in his mid-40’s, with no beard, and a constant sneer on his face. Bummer.

-Mmmm hello, Cato 😉 I mean, what? Cato=bad. BAD!

-Katniss’ shirt matches the furniture! Ha!

-Who wants a background drop of the desert? Every time I wake up and see that, I’d get thirsty. Silly backdrop people.

-Monkey bars in the training room? AH! Sign me up!

-Haza! They finally show the whole bread scene. Took long enough. Although they’re supposed to be kids, but whatever, I guess I’ll be flexible.

-Mmm hello Cato! I mean NO! Cato=bad. BAD!

-Wow, the chick from “The Orphan” is good with the knives.

-Did Peeta paint tree cakes at the bakery?

-No elevator music on the way down to show off their skills? They should play the dooo dooo doooo song from earlier.

-Awww no one fell over in a punch bowl when she shot the pig?

-I don’t know why, but I pictured the interviews to be outside. Aren’t all the tributes supposed to be sitting in eyesight of everyone? Bah!

-Dress on fire=lame. Whole thing should be engulfed.

-“When I die, I still just want to be me” (Peeta)  So, you wanna die with bread in your hands?

-Someone should fix those lights.

-Katniss is shaking like a Chihuahua.

-He has a horrible countdown voice.

-I don’t like the music here. Sounds like the eerie pitch after an explosion.

-Shaky images!

-Blood! More Blood!


-Falling! More running!

-Oh, hello canon. I almost forgot about you.

-Wow, she found water really fast. Wow, she got food fast too. Food fast, NOT to be confused with fast food *knee slap*

-Those careers are having fun killing people, huh?

-Lots of walking.

-That’s a lot of fire. At least THIS fire looks realistic.

-Cool explosions with the fireballs. Cool.

-Oh, here come the happy careers again. La, la, la we love killing. La, la, la, the capitol loves it too. La, la, la we should all keep laughing. La, la, la because Cato is gonna kill YOU!

-Couldn’t Glimmer just shoot the arrow when Katniss is sleeping?

-For being good with swords, Cato cannot climb trees.

-Those silver parachutes are loud little buggers.

-Tracker jackers! AH!

-EW, Glimmer.

-Wasn’t Katniss supposed to fall in a big orange, shiny puddle? I mean when she hallucinates (obviously). The shiny comes in handy later. SHINY!


-The whistle from the trailer!

-Cool explosion. I approve. I hope the audience knows Katniss goes deaf in one ear from this.

-Snap! Cato just snapped his neck! Cato is so sexy. I mean bad! Cato=bad. BAD!

-I already know what’s gonna happen, but still hoping Katniss gets to Rue on time.

-No sound of the canon?

-Now I’m sad.

-Oh, is this why they let two from the same district win? Because of Katniss rebelling like that? I guess that makes sense.

-Aw, Katniss is supposed to scream Peeta’s name. Bummer.

-Ah! Peeta! She’s supposed to step on him though. And also get him half naked. Heh-heh. Bummer.

-Cave scene! Praise the cave scene!

-Oh, that scene didn’t last long.

-Gale just got friend zoned.

-Katniss was supposed to have syrup to make Peeta fall asleep. Curse them getting these things wrong.

-Oh, hello again girl from “The Orphan”

-Shaky camera!

-Thrash was supposed to kill Clove with a rock. Bummer.

-Wasn’t it a needle that Katniss had to inject Peeta with instead of slime?

-Time for the mutts. These mutts suck. They’re supposed to look like the fallen tributes.

-Oh shit! That mutt scared me!

-Cato was supposed to run out of the forest and toward them, looking all scared. Sad they left that out.

-Oh dang! Peeta’s fighting Cato! Snap! I’ll give credit, that’s better than the book.

-Oh, here goes Cato with his whole Braveheart speech. “You kill me and I’ll be free! Freedom!!”

-I just now realized that they haven’t been picking up any of the bodies with the hovercrafts like in the book. Bleh.

-Katniss is supposed to be aiming an arrow at Peeta right now. Sad they also left that out.

-You’re about to die, Peeta, and all you do is touch her braid? That’s kinda lame, man.

-Well, that escalated quickly. I guess they’re going home.

-Uh, awkward moment…but wasn’t Peeta’s leg supposed to be amputated? I guess that’s not an important plot twist.

-When does Peeta find out Katniss was faking her feelings?

-That was a short interview.

-Is he gonna find out now? About Katniss?

-Okay, train ride…he’s still not finding out…

-Gale and Prim! Yay! Gale is probably like: “I hate you Peeta, I hate you Peeta, I hate you Peeta…”

-Will Peeta find out soon?

-Okay…President Snow…

-I guess Peeta doesn’t find out.

-And now the first song on the credits is stuck in my head.

Those were my thoughts during the movie, and I hope you enjoyed 🙂 what were your thoughts while watching the movie?

Happy Hunger Games!

Movie quotes from The Hunger Games

Although I know that the quotes in the book are so much better, I’ll still quote things from the movie too, since I’m sure there’s people that’ll appreciate it! I’m so excited for it to come out on DVD already!

“I’ll still cook you.” -Katniss (to Buttercup)

“How many times is your name in today?” “42. I guess the odds aren’t exactly in my favor.” -Katniss and Gale

“Listen to me. You’re stronger than they are…they just want a good show. That’s all they want.” -Gale

“Embrace the probability of your imminent death and know, in your heart, that there is nothing I can do to save you.” -Haymitch

“Look at you. You just killed a placemat.” -Haymitch

“That is mahogany!” -Effie

“You better keep this knife. He knows what he’s doing.” -Haymitch (to Katniss, about Peeta)

“So, you’re going to make me look pretty?” “I’m here to help you make an impression.” -Katniss and Cinna

“I don’t think they’ll let them have dessert…And you can!” -Effie

“What?” “I think someone’s a little nervous. I said that was quite an entrance that you made at the tribute parade the other day.” -Katniss and Caesar

“Manners.” -Effie (to Katniss after she attacks Peeta)

“Nice job, sweetheart. Nice dress too…not yours.” -Haymitch (to Katniss and then Effie)

“Thank you for your consideration.” -Katniss

“Loosen your corset. Have a drink.” -Haymitch (to Effie)

“Hope. It’s the only thing stronger than fear.” -President Snow

“Maybe you should throw the sword.” -Katniss (to Cato)

“You have to win.” -Rue

“Deep in the meadow, under the willow
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow
Lay down your head, and close your sleepy eyes
And when again they open, the sun will rise.

Here it’s safe, here it’s warm
Here the daisies guard you from every harm
Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place where I love you.” -Katniss (singing)

“Well, say something.” “I’m not good at saying something.” “Then, come here. Please” -Katniss and Peeta

“Katniss, you’re not gonna risk your life for me. I’m not gonna let you.” “You’d do it for me. Wouldn’t you?” -Katniss and Peeta

“I heard the cannon. That’s nightlock, Peeta! You’d be dead in a minute!” “I didn’t know!” “You scared me to death! Damn you.” “I’m sorry…I’m sorry.” -Katniss and Peeta

“We should probably hunt around here. We don’t have very much food left.” “Ok, I’ll take the bow…I’m just kidding.” -Katniss and Peeta

“Go on. Shoot. Then we both go down, and you win. Go on. I’m dead anyway. I always was, right? I couldn’t tell that ’til now. How’s that? Is that what they want, huh? I can still do this. One more kill. This is the only thing I know how to do. Bringing pride to my district. Not that it matters.” -Cato

“I couldn’t imagine life without him.” -Katniss (with Peeta)

“So, what happens when we get back?” “I don’t know. I guess we try to forget.” “I don’t want to forget.” -Peeta and Katniss

What are your favorite quotes from the movie? Get ready for the DVD release date on August 18th! And may the odds be ever in your favor.

Thirty Things to Look Forward to in “Catching Fire”

It’s Thursday, so you know what that means?

Thirty Thursday!

This Thursday I decided to think of thirty things to look forward to in the next movie in the Hunger Games series: Catching Fire. Trust me, it was hard narrowing it down to thirty things! And yes, you can imagine this post will be full of spoilers, so if you haven’t read the book yet then don’t bother reading onward (although I know some of you will anyway).

1. President Snow practically forcing Katniss to get married to Peeta.

2. Gale declaring his love for Katniss.

2. The tour Katniss and Peeta have to go on to “flaunt” their win.

4. The beginning of the uprising in Rue’s district.

5. Katniss finding out she’ll be competing in the Quater Quell, and Peeta volunteers to be with her instead of Haymitch.

6. The suspition of there being a district thirteen.

7. Katniss getting drunk. Ha!

8. Gale getting whipped, and the after affect when he’s brought back to Katniss’ house.

9. Katniss telling Caesar that she’s pregnant with Peeta’s child.

10. Her wedding dress burning away into a feathered dress instead, with sleeves as wings. Cinna turns her into the mockingjay.

11. The famous sugarcube scene with mister Finnick Odair.

12. Johanna Mason, along with the rest of the important characters competing (such as Beetee and Wires).

13. Katniss hanging up a dummy and writing Seneca Crane’s name on it.

14. Peeta painting the scene of Rue’s death, the way the Gamemakers didn’t show on TV, but how it really went.

15. Cinna getting murdered in front of Katniss right before she’s lifted to the arena.

16. The surroundings of the new arena: water. “This is no place for a girl on fire.”

17. Finnick’s trident.

18. Finnick saving Peeta’s life; actually, a lot of them do just to keep him alive. So Katniss stays alive.

19. The gas that ends up killing Finnick’s partner. Oh, and we also learn whom Finnick really loves, miss Annie, back at his district (which is four, the one of fishing. Hence: trident).

20. The jabberjays torturing Katniss and Finnick with a perfect mimic of their loved ones.

21. The crazy monkeys in the arena.

22. Tick, tick, tick…(only readers will get that one).

23. Finnick and Katniss playing a prank on Peeta.

24. Peeta’s personal talk with Katniss, which includes giving her a pearl.

25. Johanna and Katniss getting into a fight.

26. Katniss aiming her arrow upward and piercing it at the top of the arena.

27. Katniss getting pulled out of the Quater Quell.

28. Haymitch admitting to her that a lot of things were planned in the arena, down to when to save whom, since the head Gamemaker is against the Capitol.

29. Peeta’s life being questioned, and Katniss’ rage is inlighted from her promise to save him being crushed.

30. Gale coming to visit, saying that her closest family is safe from a bombing, but the rest of district twelve is destroyed.

Those are just some plot points that I’m looking forward to in the next movie, what are you looking forward to?

May the odds be ever in your favor!

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

So, earlier in my blog I covered this epically awesome story, and I just found out today that it’s becoming a movie. As you can imagine, I squealed like a pathetic little girl that just found a pony in her backyard that breathes rainbows.

That weirdness aside, I’ve watched the official trailer for it so many times that I start cheering with Patrick at the football scenes, and I quote the very end, “we are infinite”  the exact same time he says it. This preview gives me chills, and I don’t think people can understand the power of this story unless they have read the book. It’s not just another high school story, it is so much more than that. I was reading some of the YouTube comments, and people were saying how this story has “saved” them, or how inspirational this story turned out to be.

Just the trailer gave me chills, and made me tear up thinking of this wonderful story, and I hope everyone else out there will support this novel for what it is and see it the first day it comes out, I know I will! The author personally did the screen write and directed it, so you know it’s going to be a legit transition from novel to movie. It’s coming this fall, and my goodness I don’t know how I can stand the wait.

Check out the trailer, and comment below on your thoughts!